Cancel Sales Order B2B

Shipper API gives interface access to our clients for canceling Sales Order from their own system to Shipper Warehouse Management System. It applies for B2B type of Business if the the source order is using your ERP system.

Sales Order only able to cancel if WMS has not allocated any stock to that Sales Order

PATCH Cancel Sales Order B2B


Body Request Parameter

FieldData TypeDescriptionNote
order_noString(20)Sales Order No

value is from field so_number from here
warehouse_idString(60)Warehouse CodeMandatory
cancel_reasonStringCancellation ReasonMandatory

Response Parameter

Sample Body Request

  "data": {
    "cancellation": {
      "order_no": "outbound-doc-18014",
      "cancel_reason": "cancel aja",
      "warehouse_id": "PMUX"

Sample Response

    "metadata": {
        "path": "/v3/fulfillment/outbound/wms/cancel",
        "http_status_code": 200,
        "http_status": "OK",
        "timestamp": 1637907392
    "metadata": {
        "path": "/v3/fulfillment/outbound/wms/cancel",
        "http_status_code": 400,
        "http_status": "Bad Request",
        "errors": [
                "code": 810,
                "message": "Invalid Input. Please Validate Your Input."
        "timestamp": 1637907345
  "metadata": {
    "path": "/v1/fulfillment/cancel-outbound-oms",
    "http_status_code": 500,
    "http_status": "Internal Server Error",
    "timestamp": 1615969609