SO Status Change Webhook Confirmation

Last Updated by 1/11/2022

Shipper will send webhook to client's endpoint based on agreed payload & parameter below


POSTClient's Endpoint URL

Body Request Parameter

FieldData TypeDescription
warehouse_idstringWarehouse code assigned
Example: WH-TGR04
order_nostringOrder number for this Sales Order
order_typestringOrder type
example: “success”
shop_codestringShop Code
example: 1
client_idintegerClient ID
example: 11223344
tenant_namestringClient Tenant Name
example: “12345”
express_codestringExpress Code (Courier Code)
example: default
express_nostringExpress No (AWB Number)
seller_remarkstringSeller Remark
example: “Seller Remark”
statusstringSO Status and SO Status Code
- 00: Create SO
- 30: Partially Allocated
- 40: Allocated
- 50: Partially Picked
- 60: Picked
- 62: Partially Cartonized
- 63: Cartonized
- 65: Partially Loaded
- 66: Loaded
- 70: Partially Shipped
- 80: Shipped
- 90: Shipment Order Cancelled
- 99: Shipment Order Closed
status_codestringSO Status and SO Status Code
- 00: Create SO
- 30: Partially Allocated
- 40: Allocated
- 50: Partially Picked
- 60: Picked
- 62: Partially Cartonized
- 63: Cartonized
- 65: Partially Loaded
- 66: Loaded
- 70: Partially Shipped
- 80: Shipped
- 90: Shipment Order Cancelled
- 99: Shipment Order Closed
status_descrstringSO Status
example: Partially Picked
status_timestringTime when SO Updated
example: "2022-02-04 16:07:22"

Sample Payload

    "warehouse_id": "WH-TGR04",
    "order_no": "SO_12345678",
    "order_type": "SO",
    "shop_code": "CS008",
    "client_id": 11223344,
    "tenant_name": "12345",
    "express_code": "default",
    "express_no": "YOUR_EXPRESS_NO",
    "seller_remark": "Seller Remark",
    "status": "Partially Picked",
    "status_code": "50",
    "status_descr": "Partially Picked",
    "status_time": "2022-02-04 16:07:22"

Sample Client Response

  "metadata": {
    "path": "",
    "http_status_code": [200/201/202],
    "http_status": "Ok",
    "timestamp": 1615969609

Important Return Parameter
Shipper will ignore response body from client, the accepted HTTP response status that Shipper acknowledge as success are {200, 201, 202}. If client sent another status then Shipper will retry at most 3 times.but if HTTP status code is not 2xx, Shipper will retry at most 3 times to send the data.