PGI Webhook Confirmation

Last Updated by 1/11/2022

Shipper will send webhook to client's endpoint based on agreed payload & parameter below after PGI issued at WMS


POSTClient's Endpoint URL

Webhook Parameter

FieldData TypeDescriptionMandatory / Optional
warehouse_idStringWarehouse CodeMandatory
order_typeStringOrder type
“SO” for Normal Sales Order “RT” for Vendor Return
doc_noStringDocument No (Sales Order No or Supplier Return Doc No)Mandatory
carrier_idStringExpedition Code. To check carrier name list, please check GET Express List on “express_code” fieldOptional
carrier_nameStringExpedition Name. To check carrier name list, please check GET Express List on “express_name” fieldMandatory
Details Payload Information
skuStringSKU CodeMandatory
qty_shippedIntegerQTY PickedMandatory
mfg_dateyyyy-MM-ddManufacturing DateOptional
exp_dateyyyy-MM-ddExpire DateOptional
stock_conditionStringStock Condition
N = Good Condition
Y = Damaged

Sample Payload

  "carrier_name":"SAP ODS",
  "pgi_date":"2022-01-10 12:04:14",

Sample Client Response

  "metadata": {
    "path": "",
    "http_status_code": 200,
    "http_status": "Ok",
    "timestamp": 1615969609

Important Return Parameter
currently we ignore response from client webhook but if client webhook give not 200 response code then open api will retry sending webhook. If client sent another status then Shipper will retry at most 3 times.but if HTTP status code is not 2xx, Shipper will retry at most 3 times to send the data